HANNAH GALE ND, LAC 234 Soundview Avenue Fairfield, CT 06825


(203) 572-2275


Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, Cum Laude 2017

University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine Bridgeport, CT

  • Completed a four-year accredited doctoral program including coursework and supervised practice in biomedical sciences, nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, physical medicine, hydrotherapy, generative medicine, nutrigenomics, mind-body medicine, pharmacology, and minor surgery. Considerable experience with pediatric, women, and under-served populations.  

  • Thesis: Epigenetics and Naturopathic Medicine

Clinical Rotations

  • General Medicine

  • Women’s Health

  • Pediatrics

  • Mind-Body Medicine

  • Homeopathy

  • Physical Medicine

  • Generative Medicine 

  • Free Community Clinics: pediatrics, geriatrics, HIV, drug rehab, Spanish speakers


    • Kathleen Riley, ND, Newington CT

    • Virginia Nash, ND, Woodbridge, CT

    • James Sensenig, ND, Natural Health Associates, Hamden, CT

    • Patrick Fratellone, MD, Fairfield CT

Masters of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture 2013

University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine Bridgeport, CT

  • Completed a three-year accredited masters program including channel diagnosis, Chinese and Japanese needling techniques, Medical Qi Gong, and Tui Na, and Moxibustion techniques

  • Awards: Excellence in Integrative Care

  • Activities: The Gathering Committee 2014, Naturopathic Medicine Awareness Week, Garden Club, Philosophy Club, Model Patient

Waldorf Teaching Certificate 1999

Arcturus Rudolf Steiner Institute Chicago, IL

    • Three-year program with coursework that included Child Development and Comparative Education, as well as training in the Waldorf Curriculum and the fine arts and crafts used in pedagogy. Concentration: Elementary School, but also training in Early Childhood and High School age

    • Thesis: Mathematics Across the Curriculum

    • Activities: Organization and participation in various educational, cultural, and community  groups and programs.: Bio Dynamic Garden, Co-chair for Holiday Market crafts, costume support for Chicago Waldorf plays, etc

Masters of Fine Art- Directing 1991

Theater Department, University of Iowa Iowa City, IA

Completed a three-year program with a focus on Grotowski techniques and directing new plays

Teaching Assistantship: TA for Art of the Theater, faculty for: Oral Interpretation, Speech for the Theater, Acting I

Thesis: A new American adaptation of La Dame aux Camelias by Alexander Dumas fille

Bachelors of Arts 1988

Loyola University of Chicago` Chicago IL

Awards: Departmental Scholarship for Outstanding Student, Regional Award in Criticism ACTF 1987, Irene Ryan Acting Award nominee and finalist ACTF 1987.


Three Hares Healing New Haven, CT

Naturopathic Doctor/Acupuncturist June 2022-present

  • Practice naturopathic primary care as a specialist utilizing diagnostic exams, basic laboratory testing, and specialized functional tests

  • Assessment of risk factors, heredity and susceptibility to disease as well as obstacles to cure

  • Therapeutic approaches include: nutraceuticals, herbal medicine, homeopathy, physical medicine, mind-body medicine, nutritional and lifestyle counseling, and traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture

Wheelhouse Center for Health and Wellbeing

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine March 2020-present

  • Practice adjunct acupuncture therapy for Wheelhouse patients with appropriate Tui Na and other Chinese Medicine techniques when needed. Prescribe nutraceuticals and other supplement when needed for muscular skeletal and other care

Revive Wellness Center New Haven, CT

Naturopathic Doctor/Acupuncturist/Colonic Therapist December 2020-June 2022

  • Assessed risk factors utilizing diagnostic exams, basic laboratory testing, and specialized functional tests

  • Utilized therapeutic approaches including: clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, physical medicine, hydrotherapy, mind-body medicine, nutritional and lifestyle counseling, and acupuncture therapy

  • Provided colon hydrotherapy services

Center for Natural Medicine Watertown, CT

Resident Naturopathic Doctor / Colon Hydrotherapist Jan 2018- March 2020

Practiced naturopathic primary care as a resident for 6 months, then aa a pecialist utilizing diagnostic exams, basic laboratory testing, and specialized functional tests

  • Utilized therapeutic approaches including: clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, physical medicine, hydrotherapy, mind-body medicine, nutritional and lifestyle counseling, and acupuncture therapy

  • Provided colon hydrotherapy services

The Center for Excellence in Generative Medicine Bridgeport, CT

Intern August 2016 - May 2017

  • Assisted with patient visits during naturopathic student clinic shift with Dr. Peter D’Adamo

  • Provided direct patient care, analyzed labs, suggested treatment options, provided support under supervision

Schaffer Extended Care Center New Rochelle, NY

Intern May 2012-May 2013

    • Provided acupuncture services for patients in long term facility, as well as adult day care center under Dr. Charles Ford’s supervision


Congregation Bethel Fairfield, CT

High Holiday Program Administrator and Children’s Service Leader 2013-2020

Coordinated all services and classes. Developed Prayer Book. Led services for young children and families. Also developed plays with community for holidays including a Southern Belle Purim Shpiel

Congregation Bethel Norwalk, CT

Hebrew School Teacher September 2017-May 2018

Taught Early-Childhood and Second Grade curriculum, as well as music. Curriculum was basic Hebrew and Jewish Holidays

Congregation Bethel Fairfield, CT

Hebrew School Teacher 2013-2017

Taught Hebrew through Movement under Rabbi Niema Hirsch. Taught Second Grade Hebrew and Holiday curriculum.

Housatonic Valley Waldorf School Newtown, CT

Elementary School Class Teacher 2001-2009

Taught main lessons, art, academic skills, recorder, and Hebrew as a class teacher and as supportive faculty. Developed original plays every year and supported other teachers with their class plays. Directed a community production of the Oberufer Shepherd’s Play yearly from 2001-2005

Middle School Science Certification 2006 from SENSRI Institute, Saratoga Springs Waldorf School, Michael D’Aleo. Developed middle school science program and demonstrations-based curriculum

The Museum of Science and Industry Chicago, IL

Education Specialist 1992-1993

Acted as host for the 100th Anniversary of the Chicago World’s Fair as “Bertha Potter Palmer” wrote biographical and historical monologues to intersperse between entertainment for theChristmas Around the World cafe.. Performed  science educational play “Electric Theater” as part of the museum’s retrospective. Demonstrated audio to light pulse analogue in the Communications exhibit. Trained tour guides in interactive engagement techniques.


10 Supplements to Help You Survive the Winter, The Buddha Bistro, for the Center for Natural Medicine 2020

Bridgeport Walk & Talk Series, Answer participant questions on various health topics 2018 & 2019

Milford Library, Supplement Safety 2018

Stratford Library, Staying Healthy Through The Holidays 2018

Stratford Library, Introduction to Naturopathic Medicine & Tips for A Healthy Fall Season 2018

Bridgeport Farmers Markets, Introduction to Naturopathic Medicine       2015


State of Connecticut Department of Public Health, Naturopathic Physician License #000612 2017 - Present

State of Connecticut Department of Public Health, Acupuncturist License#000609 2014-Present

American Heart Association

Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers  2018

Datapunk Bioinformatics (Peter D’Adamo, ND)

Opus23 Pro Certification 2017

SWAMI- Blood Type/Genotype Diet 2016


Naturopathic Medicine Institute

Vital Gathering 3 2018

New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians

NYANP Annual Conference 2016, 2018

Naturopathic Doctor News & Review

Integrative Fertility Methods 2018

University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine

Advanced Topics in Homeopathy

Webinars, Lectures, Distance Trainings

Continuing Education Ongoing

Topics: herbs, nutrition, homeopathy, mind-body medicine, lifestyle, functional medicine, diagnostic approaches, pharmacology, integrative treatment approaches


  • American Association of Naturopathic Physicians 

  • Connecticut Naturopathic Physicians Association 

  • Institute of Naturopathic Generative Medicine, past


Online Learning Platforms: Experience using Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, Teams

Technology/Online: Experience using Google apps, EMR/EHRs, workflow platforms, online databases