Dr. Hannah Gale

Life Force or the “Vis”

Nature Healing is the idea that, as a part of Nature, inside you is the Vital Force of your Being.

This Vital Force, called by the Latin term Vis, meaning “force” or “life force”, is what is present in a living being and absent in something that is dead. It is what drives all of the metabolic processes of the body to seek homeostasis through: breathing, the beating heart, the nourishment of the body, and the elimination of waste.

As long as we are alive, our Natural Life Force seeks for us what will allow us to continue living. It and it alone is what heals us when we are sick.

Our post modern world is very divorced from Nature, and the corporations and advertisements that drive our current economy, and which seek to monetize all of Nature’s resources, work hard to convince us that science has replaced Nature as the guardian of health and well-being. However, in its essence, science is simply the observation of Nature. Unfortunately, the mathematical models used to describe observations of Nature have proved susceptible to manipulations by the scientists and statisticians employed by profit seeking pharmaceutical and other health oriented corporations and we are left confused over what can be trusted in science and medicine.

Naturopathic Medicine seeks to combine the best verifiable research with clinical experience and the wisdom of medical history to provide treatments that are as minimally invasive and efficacious as possible.

The 6 tenets of Naturopathic Medicine are:

The Healing Power of Nature
Trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself.

Identify and Treat the Causes
Look beyond the symptoms to the underlying cause.

First Do No Harm
Utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies.

Doctor as Teacher
Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining health.

Treat the Whole Person
View the body as an integrated whole in all its physical and spiritual dimensions.

Focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention